Célébration de la promulgation du mariage gay à notre sauce, avec quelques images (et propos) glanées ici ou là…
« I cannot summon enough pride to prevent my black, gay body from being the target of white racial supremacy. » (Darnell L. Moore)
« I refuse to take pride in a « movement » singularly invested in gay liberation while black and brown folk continue to die at the hands of the state and white vigilantes. LGBTQ celebration should not overshadow the tragedy of black death and inequity. Not while white LGBTQ people refuse to confront the anti-black racism within their liberal communities. Not while marriage equality work can amass more money than programming for trans women of color and LGBTQ youth. Not while undocumented LGBTQ people continue to be detained and abused by the state. Not while I must daily argue for the mattering of black lives. » (Darnell L. Moore)
Seriously stop interviewing Obama about Black issues! Interview him about gays and transsexuals …he seems more keen on their issues anyways.
Obama said the problem is guns! Like whites won’t/haven’t bomb a black church, burn down a black church, lynch us outside a black church. I’m so tired of this kneegrow.
He never mentions gun control when police are killing black people….WITH GUNS!